Hektiska dagar!
Hej där ute!
Här i Vegas är det full fart med schema som sträcker sig från morgon till kväll. Idag har vi agerat konstnärer och målat fina tavlor som aktioneras ut till välgörenhet. KUL! Då tiden är knapp så spelar jag in videobloggar på regelbunden basis, kika in på min personliga blogg hanniberonius.se för att se dom!
Postad för ungefär 12 år sedan av hanni
Miss universum har börjat!
Hallå där!
Nu är jag på plats i Las Vegas och jag trivs som fisken i vattnet! Fullt tempo men riktigt roligt och än så länge är alla tjejerna väldigt trevliga och sociala, precis som i svenska tävlingen! Det här är verkligen en otrolig upplevelse och jag kan nästan inte fatta att jag är här. Jag blev utvald idag till att fotas för hårmärket CHI till ett magasin, en himla ära! Nu ska jag träna lite på hotellrummet och mysa med min roomie, söta Sara Nicole som representerar Norge! God natt!
Postad för ungefär 12 år sedan av hanni
Busy day in the city... I LOVE NEW YORK!
Today was AMAZING! First, I met with Lu Sierra, the official walking coach for Miss Universe! I learned some AMAZING tips from her and truly felt empowered and informed before I left. Then, I got to meet with Yvone Christa, the wonderful amazing woman who made my crown. She has a showroom in NYC and in Stockholm! She also gave me some jewelry to help accompany my outfits during my trip to Miss Universe, she was so generous, it was amazing, pics to follow!
The day wasn't over yet. I went to shoot with none other than Fadil Berisha, the official Miss Universe photographer, we implimented some shots for a FACE Stockholm cosmetic campaign, with Yuko Takahashi doing make-up and Hajilde Farizi along with John Paul Hamilton styling. Hopefully you will see them very soon. They (FACE Stockholm) are one of my sponsors - I LOVE their make-up, it's amazing! The photoshoot went really well, we used some Sherri Hill pieces, and then some other pieces that were borrowed.
Then in the evening, I was a guest of Tabber Benedict's at The New York Society For Prevention of Cruelty to Children, a non-profit foundation aimed at raising funds and awareness against the abuse and violence of children. It was at The Plaza Hotel and was absolutely amazing. All the day I was accompanied by my fabulous "handler" and "image consultant" John Paul Hamilton, who has been a strong guiding force during this whole process.
Yuko Takahashi and I - she is amazing!
My crown! Jewelry all by Yvone Christa!
Fadil, I adore him! He was so amazing! I highly recommend shooting with him if you ever want to get involved with any pageant, at any level!
Red Carpet for the NYSPCC annual galaTabber Benedict and I
John Paul Hamilton and I
Until tomorrow,
Xo Hanni
Postad för ungefär 12 år sedan av hanni
Just some pictures of me out and about!
At the Scandinavia House
With Kathryn, from RealBeauty.com
Outside the Scandinavia House
Lucky Magazine interview!
Me, being hot! (hehe, jk!)
John Paul Hamilton, me, and Austin Scarlett (fourth runner up project runway season 1 and second runner up project runway all stars season 1)
Puss puss
Postad för ungefär 12 år sedan av hanni
I LOVE NYC! I am having SO MUCH FUN here... We just got home after driving through the city with some chaos, getting lost, getting scared, but the people here are so helpful and when they find out (thanks to John Paul Hamilton, my image consultant!) who I am, they like to take pictures and ask me questions about Miss Universe, Sweden, etc! Tomorrow, we have such a busy day! In the morning, our first stop is the Seafarers International House, which originally was a mission founded by the Lutheran Church to provide refuge to immigrants from Scandinavia in the USA, to this day it still helps displaced individuals while they try to acclimate to their new lives in the USA. We're finally visiting the Camuto Group showrooms of Vince Camuto and Jessica Simpson, and then we plan on visiting the World Childhood Foundation, which was founded in 1999 by Her Majesty, Queen Silvia of Sweden. It is a non-profit organization aimed at helping provide children the right to a safe and happy childhood, internationally. "Childhood supports around 100 projects in 16 countries, focusing on prevention, intervention and education efforts." - childhood.org
That is just day one of this week, which is filled with so much... a visit with so many exciting people! My crown designer (I can't wait to see it) Yvone Christa, Lu Sierra (official Miss Universe Walking coach), Fadil Berisha (make-up done by Yuko Takahashi and styling by Lauretta McCoy) (official Miss Universe photographer) and then a red carpet gala at the ever so posh and famous Plaza Hotel in the evening benefiting New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. I am so excited to be doing all of these charitable events in the USA. I am sad to be leaving NYC to head to DC in a few days, but it has made my time here all the more memorable and special!
Red Lips by none other than FACE Stockholm... (I never wear red!)
If you are curious as to why I am writing in English tonight it's because I am trying very hard to practice, I know I speak Swedish well, but being a Miss Universe contender anticipates being able to communicate to many people on various levels... So exciting! But don't worry, this won't be a common thing.
Postad för ungefär 12 år sedan av hanni
Senaste inlägg
- Hektiska Hej där ute!Här i Vegas är det full fart med schema som... 12 år sedan
- Miss universum har Hallå där! Nu är jag på plats i Las Vegas... 12 år sedan
- Busy day in the city... I LOVE NEW Today was AMAZING! First, I met with Lu Sierra, the official walking coach... 12 år sedan
- PICTURES NYC & Just some pictures of me out and about! At the Scandinavia... 12 år sedan
- I LOVE NEW I LOVE NYC! I am having SO MUCH FUN here... We just got home after... 12 år sedan
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