Health and Beauty Tip- Lemons

Another beauty and health tip I want to share with you which I have every morning is a glass of warm water with lemon (not boiling as you don’t want to ruin the enzymes in the lemon, it should be lukewarm so that you are able to drink it). Have this first thing in the morning before your food.  This has many health and beauty benefits such as:

  • Kicks start the digestion

  • Cleanses your system

  • Boost your immune system as lemons are high in vitamin C

  • Makes your body Alkaline

  • Gives you clearer skin because of the cleansing effect

  • Aids in weight loss

Always use fresh lemons and organic if possible. Squeeze half a lemon into a cup of lukewarm water and drink first thing in the morning before you have anything to eat. I actually try to have a glass of water afterwards as well to cleanse a little extra and to hydrate the body after the night. I really don’t feel as good if I don’t have this in the morning. Also I personally find that if I start the day healthy I tend to make better choices throughout the day. So try this and the green smoothie afterwards that I wrote about in a previous blog and you will really be on your way to good health and beautiful skin.


Postad för ungefär 10 år sedan av misscamilla

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